Tuesday 25 October 2016

Falling to Earth v1.05 APK


An astronaut survived after an asteroid crush against his spaceship 'Galaga Phoenix One' .
He is now adrift in orbit and gravity is make him falling to earth !
His shuttle is destroyed ! An endless and scary run against time into the space without control, air and atmosphere against gravity.
A beautiful panorama of Earth , night lights, stars ,aliens , galaxy , planets and space join your journey !
An interstellar saga, where there will be no rescue ! alone in the dark space ,stay alive and collect oxygens !
Jump into the Asteroids belt ,avoid meteors , debris, lost satellites and much more !
Your heart will beat like a drum ! Adrenalin will flow fast trough your veins !
Be a Hero , don't think it's hopeless ! reach the shuttle and save your life !
Jump into the Shuttle , turn off the fire , cut the rope and start the engines to back home to earth !
NASA , friends and parents are waiting for your return !
Retry and retry, again and again until you reach the safe zone and move to the next one !

'this is what the game of Gravity should be !'

'space the final frontier , I'm coming !'

-sharknado 3 should be like that !

What's New

New Updated !!!


   Falling to Earth- screenshot     Falling to Earth- screenshot     Falling to Earth- screenshot     Falling to Earth- screenshot     Falling to Earth- screenshot

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